Star trace is one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of Density separator. Star Trace Density Separator is used for producing an extremely sharp partition curve when the classifying particles.
Star Trace Density separation process away from lighter/finer particles. The under flow consisting of a quick settling particles, is efficiently dewatered. By measuring the density in the teeter bed and comparing this density with known values, discharge of underflow is accordingly regulated.
Density Separator widely used in black, non-ferrous metals, concentrator,chemical,and pharmaceutical industries such as ceramics,as grading,desliming,concentration, dehydration operations.
Our Company Quality Assurance has been supported & approved by "THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION" (ISO 9001:2008), NSIC & also by the NABCB-QM0II and D&B where you can get the company certified details by On-line . Also we are having latest technology Software of ERP Systems (SAP)in which our clients can get their order status by online in remote area whenever they want.